Markham Bible Chapel

Bible Teaching for the Whole Family

Markham Bible Chapel is an autonomous Christian church located in Markham, Ontario, Canada. We seek to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by providing warm fellowship and insightful Bible teaching for everyone in your family. We would love for you to join us!

Winter Weekend 2013 Speaker & Topic

Ron Hughes, FBH Ron Hughes serves as president of FBH International, a media ministry with projects around the world. Before that he and his family were missionaries in Ecuador for 10 years, where he pioneered several media projects. He maintains a busy itinerant speaking schedule and writing ministry with an output of hundreds of radio scripts which have been translated and broadcast in a dozen languages as well as short stories, articles and a non-fiction book.

Ron will be unpacking some pretty amazing things about the fact that HE IS happya personpresenthumble and a friend. We hope you're as excited as we are to sit and soak in things about God that perhaps we've never though about before, or certainly not in the way Ron will explore with us!


Opening Night - Parents welcome to join us at 9pm

As Friday approaches so does the anticipation of another great year at MBCYG!

Can't tell you what they are (that would ruin the fun now wouldn't it), but we're planning a super exciting night of fun games and activities at the chapel. 

Remember to invite your parent/guardians to join us at 9PM - we'd love to meet them! We realize that means sharing snack, but it only happens twice a year. ;)

Wonderland Day Trip Cancelled

Due to not getting the 15 people required for the Wonderland Day Trip tomorrow, August 20th, unfortunately we have had to cancel the event. There will be no official event at Wonderland.

See you all on September 14th for the first night of Youth Group!

2012-13 Youth Group Gets Going

We are looking forward to Youth Group this year -- September 14th is the big day! See you at 7PM.

Ryan, Catherine, Sarah, Chris and Steve would like to welcome the new grade 7 teens who will be joining us this year.

Bookmark this site (or follow the RSS feed) and stay up-to-date on our calendar and events.

We also have a Facebook page ( , but this site is your best source for the lastest news and updates.

Wonderland Kick-off to 2012-13 MBCYG Year

Monday, August 20, 2012

Drop off at Wonderland: 10am

Meet: At the Group Sales window at the main entrance. PARENTS, PLEASE NOTE: the parking gate will reimburse you the $15 parking fee if you exit within a few minutes (there is a time allowance for drop-off)

Pick up: 4pm at the Group Sales window at the main entrance

Cost $37 including taxes!! (reg price is $65 inc. taxes) What a bargain!!Other: Some of you have Season's Passes.. not a problem. Please let Catherine know that when you RSVP. Other: While at Wonderland, YGer's will be grouped in gaggles of 4 which will be arranged before going into the park - ensure at least one member of your group has a cell phone. Other: We will bring a cooler should you wish to store your lunch, as we are not allowed to bring outside food into the park.

Please RSVP to by email by August 12 - I need to know how many tickets to order!!

Catherine will collect $37 and your form when you arrive to the park. Please remember spending money if you wish to purchase anything while at Wonderland.

June 8th -- trigger fingers ready



Meet: MBC between 7-7:30pm

Bring: Digital Camera

We will create teams and assign you to a vehicle and then send you on your way to participate in this year's DSH all over Markham.

You will have a series of brain-teasing clues to figure out and specific destinations to get to, taking photos with your team when you arrive and find what you're looking for!

Pick-up: regular time back at the chapel

Lock-in Prep

Did the shopping for snacks and lock-in last night (R & C introduced me to COSTCO). I'm already hungry!

Gonna be loads of fun. There will be a movie.

Need input.

a) anyone else want to bring a Wii or PS? No CoD or violent games :)

b) board games?

Go to Contact page and e-mail Steve

Encouraged by seeing our youth serve

Yesterday during a visit to the last night of AWANA I came across some familiar faces from Youth Group and was reminded that there are some teens in our group that have been quietly serving in that ministry for a number of years. It was really nice to see Michelle, Emily, Nicole, Ashley, Jeff, Kyle, Isaac, Eleanor and Elizabeth fully engaged and being recognized by the AWANA leadership for their contributions.

Some are in their first year(s) of service while others like Mark, Joseph and Ryan (the Network) have quite a few more years under their belts.

I know that our service here is for Him, but just wanted to say how much it is appreciated when we see young people stepping up and becoming involved. It encourages the rest of the assembly when we see you giving of your time to serve.


The longest journey

Speaker: Joe Reese
Venue: MBC Family Bible Hour 

"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” - Luke 19:10 (ESV)

Who is this Son of Man?

• came to minister
• will be betrayed
• will die
• will rise again
• Son of Man: form of a servant in the likeness of man
• Jesus became like us, sin apart

How far did he come?
• He crossed the universe, across time

• left His Father's home

To whom has He come?
• to seek lost people

• because of sin, humans had lost their attachment to their Creator
• we are accustomed to the thought of 'lost'
• being lost should cause alarm and dispairhow much more to be 'spiritually lost'?
• four stories of lost in chapter 15: 1/100 sheep, 1/10 coins, 1/2 boys, 1/1 son
• Jesus came to seek sinners -- God cannot tolerate sin in His presence
• finding that which is lost causes rejoicing (refer to chapter 15)
• didn't come to seek the self-righteous
• if you don't see yourself as lost you don't feel the need to be found

What reason has He come?
• Jesus came to seek and to save

• "saved" is used over 100 times in the NT in reference to being rescued from the penalty of sin
• to get onto the narrow road, a person first must admit that they are lost
• illustration: Amber Alert
• He seeks in every place
• GPS: God's Plan of Salvation

• Jesus died and paid for our sin

• a seeking sinner and a seeking Saviour will always meet

You'd allow yourself to be saved from a burning building, a raging sea or if you were lost in the wilderness, but...

If the seeking Son of Man came to save you, would you let Him?



The hidden value of going to a conference

Why go to a conference anyway?

It's just another word for all-day-church-service-in-a-school, right?

We can attend because there are back to back messages, we can go because we're looking to be challenged, we can show up simply because it's expected of us or because our family drags us there...

Every year as I sit in an auditorium much larger than my own assembly's space and participate in the singing and listen to the messages, another thing strikes me and has for years.


That's a hidden value.




I now live...

Toronto Easter Conference
Speaker:  Rex Trogden

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  - Galatians 2:20 (ESV)

• personal pronoun, dealing with ourselves 

• Paul said, "I am less than the least"
• Paul had a changed perspective, the right perspective
• every believer can be used by God in their own way
• For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.  But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;  God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are... - 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 (ESV)
• as long as we think of ourselves as something, we are nothing
• how do we view ourselves? Usable? Or not?

• a challenging word because it means immediacy
• God works in the present

• if not now, then when?
• if we are serious, we will get started to get to know/serve Him right now
• we use the thought of now when it comes to salvation...

• choose this day whom/what you will serve

• the opposite of life is death/dead

• if what we're living for isn't worth dying for, it's not worth living for; Paul: for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain
• what in our life is worth living for?
• if we're living for wealth/health/fame, etc., it will be gone tomorrow
what on earth are you doing for heaven's sake

• forsaking all I trust Him; faith is a necessity

• living by/in faith is practical
• facts, faith, feeling  (some people get the order wrong, with feeling being the first)
• we walk by faith and not by sight

• our grounding

• if our faith is not in Christ, then who/what is it in?

• gives us purpose in life

• eternal love (has no beginning or ending)
• greater love has no man than this...
• we love/serve because He first loved us

• the price we cost Him

• we were not paid for with some commodity but with His own life
• He gives us all things freely

This verse should change the perspective of our lives.

Should we not respond by wanting to offer Him our lives/service?



The Makings of a Beautiful Bride

Speaker: Jim Renie (Part2), Sunday April 1st

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. - Ephesians 5:2 (ESV)

Qualities of a beautiful bride

• Sanctity (holiness)

• Happy heart (joy in the spirit)

• Submission to the lordship of Jesus Christ

The  three domestic examples in this chapter mirror a Christian's relationship with Christ


Reading: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.  “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise),  “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”  Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ,  not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,  rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man,  knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.  Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him. - Ephesians 6:1-9 (ESV)

Teens' responsibility

verse 1: addressed to children; the Bible indicates that adulthood is age-defined - 'From twenty years old and upward…' - Numbers 1:3 (ESV); God continues to mention the age of 20 fourteen more times; this number proved absolutely crucial as it was used to be the deciding factor in who got into the Promised Land and who did not; parenting is not meant to be for an indefinite length of time; significance of age 12 (Luke 2:41-52): recognition of the primacy of one's personal responsibility to God and to be in His house - at 12 a child has a responsibility to follow God for themselves 

verse 2: these instructions are for all; honour is the positive practice of valuing; “Whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death. - Exodus 21:15 (ESV); 'Whoever curses his father or his mother shall be put to death.' - Exodus 21:17 (ESV); in Ephesians God gives a promise instead of that dire warning from Exodus although the importance God places honouring parents has not diminished

Parental Responsibilities

• represent the heavenly Father by caring for and governing the child in age-approximate ways 

• to bring (introduce) the child to Jesus (Matthew 19:13-14)

• to promote the transfer of dependence and allegiance away from self (the parents) to God

Growing up

• the best teacher is the Holy Spirit, NOT by gaing our own 'experience'

• rebellion against parental authority is always a sin (2 Timothy 3:2)

• verse 4: instructions to fathers (they have the mandate to govern, not the mother); exasperation: lack of love, neglecting discipline, harsh or unfair discipline; there needs to be an even mix of love and discipline (let everything be done in love); the greatest influence is by love - for a father to teach control to his child he must be in control of himself (grace-based parenting)

Challenge to teens: are you prepared to submit (be obedient) to your parents and then to honour them always?


Youth Group brings joy to Bethany residents

Last night our youth Group sung a beautiful selection of songs for the residents of Bethany. Serena did a great job on the piano.  

With Easter right around the corner it was really nice to be able to take the wonderful story of Jesus' resurrection to Bethany in song and word. The reminder of the pivotal importance of that miraculous fact to our faith brought smiles to the faces of many in the audience.

It may seem like a small thing, but it should be a real encouragement to us that a group of teenagers can totally brighten the evening of the folks there and is appreciated more than we may ever know!

The fact the 29 of you came out says a lot for the quality of the kids in our Youth Group.

You also brightened the faces of the leaders last night! Perhaps we don't tell you enough but we really love you guys. You all did a fantastic job and made us extremely proud! 

A biologist's testimony


My academic background is biology. I graduated from Penn State with a biology/genetics & development degree . . . so I’m quite well-versed in molecular and cellular processes, as well as natural selection and evolution. I have always had a difficult time knowing what to believe about the origins of the earth and natural earth processes, given that the majority of my science teachers and professors were atheists, and, of course, were promoting their own agenda as well as the “universally accepted” science curricula.

However, when I attended the Creation Museum, somehow everything changed in my mind. . . . I’ll be honest and say that there are many topics that I still don’t grasp and some that I’d like to explore further. What changed in my mind was the realization [of what I] needed to know—knowing that God’s Word is absolute truth. Period.

read full story


Tonight we put out a question with a challenge...

In Titus 2 Paul tells older men, older women, younger women and younger men to exercise self-control. That covers all age groups, so no one is left out :)


Where does a Christian get the ability to be able to have self-control? See if you can find a verse(s) in the Bible.

Bible Teaching for the Whole Family