The longest journey
Speaker: Joe Reese
Venue: MBC Family Bible Hour
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” - Luke 19:10 (ESV)
Who is this Son of Man?
• came to minister
• will be betrayed
• will die
• will rise again
• Son of Man: form of a servant in the likeness of man
• Jesus became like us, sin apart
How far did he come?
• He crossed the universe, across time
• left His Father's home
To whom has He come?
• to seek lost people
• because of sin, humans had lost their attachment to their Creator
• we are accustomed to the thought of 'lost'
• being lost should cause alarm and dispair; how much more to be 'spiritually lost'?
• four stories of lost in chapter 15: 1/100 sheep, 1/10 coins, 1/2 boys, 1/1 son
• Jesus came to seek sinners -- God cannot tolerate sin in His presence
• finding that which is lost causes rejoicing (refer to chapter 15)
• didn't come to seek the self-righteous
• if you don't see yourself as lost you don't feel the need to be found
What reason has He come?
• Jesus came to seek and to save
• "saved" is used over 100 times in the NT in reference to being rescued from the penalty of sin
• to get onto the narrow road, a person first must admit that they are lost
• illustration: Amber Alert
• He seeks in every place
• GPS: God's Plan of Salvation
• Jesus died and paid for our sin
• a seeking sinner and a seeking Saviour will always meet
You'd allow yourself to be saved from a burning building, a raging sea or if you were lost in the wilderness, but...
If the seeking Son of Man came to save you, would you let Him?