Scottlea - Session One (Friday night)
David: A man after God's own heart In wholesome sensing In hostile circumstances (tonight's session) In hated circumstances In hounded scenarios In honouring incidents and hallowed strategies In dishonouring sin
1 Samuel 17 Description: the battle (17:1-7) - 10+ feet - bronze helmet (everything protected) - 125 lbs. armour; bronze leggings - spear with 17lb. head
Defiance: the champion - employed terror by screaming his challenge twice daily - the simple threat emotionally defeated the Israelites - belittled, blasphemed, boasted - many people are still under the control of the enemy of God - many live in the fear of death - we need to be introduce to the Mn who defeated the one with the power of death
David: the servant (v12-22,26) - humble - selfless - obedient - diligent - likely a teen at the time; the youngest - loyal - David was a man of character - he was pure (28-29) - he was willing (32b) - he was dependant (33-37) - he was meek (38-40) - courageous
Dumbfounded (23-30) - observes - remarks - David's brother criticized David
Doubtful - hing's meeting (31-32) - king's doubt (33) - kingly response (34-37) - kingly suggestion (38-39)
Drawing near (40-45) - he wasn't hung up on what he didn't have, but was reliant on what he did have - David doesn't lose focus of what the battle was about; the battle is the Lord's
Defeat - David didn't run from the enemy, but ran towards the fight! - Jesus took the enemy on - Jesus beat the enemy taking away the enemy's power: the fear of death
Conclusion 1 - walked in obedience Conclusion 2 - Conclusion 3 - no self-defences