Markham Bible Chapel

Bible Teaching for the Whole Family

Markham Bible Chapel is an autonomous Christian church located in Markham, Ontario, Canada. We seek to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by providing warm fellowship and insightful Bible teaching for everyone in your family. We would love for you to join us!

Seminar 1: The Consequences of Sin


Part 1: The Consequences of Sin in the Life of the Unbeliever (Ecclesiastes 10:1) - Fly in the Ointment; definition of putrify. How many sins does it take to ruin/influence/spoil? Born with a sinful nature. Great little video clip explanation of John 3:16. Illustration: water supply cut off by a gigantic bullfrog stuck in a pipe coming from the water tower; the frog didn't get in as a frog but rather started out as a small (and rather insignificant) little tadpole.

Part 2: The Consequences of Sin in the Life of a Believer - games of back and forth with God spoils our relationship with Him; practically speaking, God can't use us while we are tarnished by ongoing sin in our lives; we can quickly lose credibility with our unbelieving friends by being allowing ourselves to be under the influence of sin. Illustration: a virus in the body unless dealt with can (quickly or over time) take over our entire bodies disabling us form being engaged in our regular activities and in effect making us useless (until dealt with).

A) Avoid the Flies (2 Timothy 2:22)
1. Flee
2. Focus
3. Fellowship

B) Remove the Flies (1 John 1:9)
1) Repent and Confess

C) Use Fly Repellent (Psalm 119:1)

Bible Teaching for the Whole Family