RSVPing for activities/events
Generally, youth group follows a drop-in format, but we do try to schedule monthly activities/events that require quite a bit of planning.
To ensure that we reserve space for you, arrange the appropriate number of rides, and have food there for you, we ask you to let us know in advance whether you're coming or not.
Annual Permission Forms
Download and have your parent/guardian sign the 2015-16 permission form - your participation at Youth Group depends on it!
At Youth Group...
We have a code of expectations at Youth Group. Pretty simple stuff. Mostly common sense.
a) Sign-in and sign-out.
b) Have respect for each other, the leaders, chapel property, rules of venues we go to, and off-limit areas in the chapel.
c) Guys, take off your hats while in the chapel building and during off-site devotional times.
d) Put your phone/ipod/mp3 player etc. away at the beginning of the evening. You should not need it until the evening is over.
e) Tell a leader if you're feeling ill or injured (gym, activity).
f) If leaving for any reason before regular sign-out time, let a leader know, and remember to sign-out.
g) Stay on the chapel property until your ride gets arrives.
h) When at an off-site activity (ie. bowling), please stay with the group.
i) Try to arrive around 7:30pm, and coordinate pick-up between 10 and 10:15pm.
j) If leaving with someone other than your regular ride, let a leader know, and write it down on the sign-out page.
Regular pick-up time
Your ride should be picking up uo between 10pm and 10:15pm unless other arrangements are made (ie. outings).